Installation Services


Starlight Marine Services specializes in the commissioning, installation, servicing, and repairing of marine hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic systems.  We offer a comprehensive range of support and we adhere to stringent quality standards and specifications.  Our services ensure proper installation, regular maintenance, and repair to ensure your vessel continues in top performance and longevity.

What We Offer

Starlight Marine Servicesprovides routine and emergency service of your marine hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic systems. Preventative maintenance and servicing of your thrusters, stabilizers, and steering systems can enhance… Know More
Starlight Marine Services specializes in the commissioning, installation, servicing, and repairing of marine hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic systems… Know More
Servicing and repairing the hydraulic outboard steering system of your vessel is essential to make sure you are safe and comfortable when on the water. Know More

Sea Star Bow and Stern Thrusters

Having your water vessel in open water gives you the freedom every seafarer longs for. This is because

Wesmar Bow and Stern Thrusters

We specialize in the installation of the Wesmar bow and stern thrusters.  The commercial line of robust

Kobelt Keypower Bow and Stern Thrusters

Starlight Marine Services technicians are KobeltKeypower Partners, trained by Kobelt to provide

Electric Hydraulic Steering

Whether your vessel is in need of a complete hydraulic or electric steering installation or in need of component

Stablilizer Installation

Maximizing the performance and safety of your vessel is our number one priority.  To maintain the sea worthiness

Swim Platform Repairs

Maintaining your swim platform ensures that you will get reliable use and safety.  Starlight Marine Services provides